Convert AMX Mouse To Modern USB!

There’s no shortage of retro-computing fans and projects on Tindie. While you can use a C64, BBC Micro, or any number of other systems for a fun trip down memory lane, at the end of the day, you’re likely most productive on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer for your daily needs. If, however, you’d like to combine the old-school aesthetic of a 1980s-era pointing device with modern computing hardware, tinkerBOY has a neat solution in the form of the AMX Mouse To USB Converter.

This device is an adapter that attaches to your AMX mouse via a 20-pin female adapter, and interfaces with your computer using a USB-A plug. Onboard hardware takes care of translating mouse inputs to USB, letting you plug(and plug)-and-play your old-school mouse into your newer computing system with ease. This adapter is compatible with AMX, Quest, Wigmore, and Nidd Valley interface devices.

Whether or not you’d like to use one of these very old pointing devices, the listing’s pictures are quite an interesting look at some neat retro-hardware. For another computer interface option, be sure to check out the Wii-Nunchuck-to-Mouse adapter featured here.


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