A Voice Changer To Transform Yourself!

Perhaps, like me, your first experience of DSP was recording your voice into an Apple Mac Performa 400 (or similar) about 30 years ago (or less), listening back in hysterical tears at the pitched up or slowed down versions of your own voice! Today, the same effect can be achieved on a device like the Voice Changer, turning your voice into a squeaky high pitched squirrel or the low tones of a Darth-Vader impersonator at the touch of a button!

The device has an on-board microphone to take the input signal and switch between three pitch modes: Kylo, Alvin, and Cthulu – it also has a bypass mode for a normal voice. Who do you want to be today? It’s powered by USB or 2x AA batteries, so it’s great for taking around with you, It uses an ESP32 μcontroller to do a Fourier transform to convert the incoming frequencies into something entirely new – there’s also a sound level indicator to display where the volume levels are coming in at.

The voice changer is sold by TurboLEDz who are based in Vancouver, Canada – offering a nice range of meters displays, and processors for various tech projects. Here’s a video of the unit in action:


source https://blog.tindie.com/2022/05/a-voice-changer-to-transform-yourself/

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