Musical Tesla Coils Made Of PCBs!

A finger touching the spark from a PCB Tesla Coil

With the price of printed circuit boards dropping an of magnitude over the last decade, it was inevitable transformers and coils would make their way into copper coated prepreg fiberglass. The natural consequence of this is, of course, a Musical PCB Tesla Coil that throws sparks without the need to wind coils of copper wire.

The Musical PCB Tesla Coil has two modes, square wave and audio. The frequency of the square wave is controlled by a simple 555 timer, but the audio mode is where things get interesting. The audio mode modulates the duty cycle of the square wave mode, allowing any audio to be played over ionized air.

Instead of connecting your phone to tens of thousands of volts through an aux cable, this tesla coil uses a Bluetooth module to send audio to the tesla coil. That’s a convenient addition and makes it possible to play any audio over tiny desktop thunderbolts.

The Musical PCB Tesla Coil is made and sold by EDISON, based in Toronto, Canada, with the documentation and theory of operation available on instructables. You can check out their store for their latest designs and watch the demo of the PCB Tesla Coil below:


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