Micro:bit Mini Piano Module!



The BBC Micro:Bit is a highly programmable device which is the perfect introduction to programming software and hardware. For those that want to use theirs for making music the Micro:bit Piano Mini Piano Module is an ideal accessory, coming with a capacitive touch sensor to trigger 13 musical notes!

In addition tothe buttons, LED light display, sensors, and I/O features, this keyboard allows you to play notes and hear them emitted from the on-board buzzer. It also has 4 RGB LEDs (WS2812B) which, presumably, can be programmed to represent any parameters you choose – for example indicating notes being on/off, showing how many notes are currently held, and possibly a little step sequencer?! There’s more info on the sellers GitHub page as well as json files to download and get playing.

You’ll find more information in the product Documentation page, with details on setting up and programming the device for playing music! Connect the musical keyboard using its edge connector and link multiple devices for polyphonic playback or jams with friends. The best place to start your programming journey is on the Micro:Bit makecode page!

It’s sold by SB Components a prolific seller from Halesowen in England, offering a vast selection of electronic accessories and glorious gadgets.

source https://blog.tindie.com/2022/04/microbit-mini-piano-module/

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