Analog Drum Synth Module

The DS-M Analog Drum Synth Module is a fully featured drum synth for your modular synth patches, able to emulate almost every drum sound imaginable! This complex and modifiable module is easy to fit into your setup, providing a range of perfect percussion sounds from crisp snare hits to boomy kick drums.

The DS-Ms interface is easy to understand and use – featuring clear labels and high-quality potentiometers for each control; so you can get straight to making music! It features controls for LFO Rate, LFO Amount, Sensitivity, Colour, Sweep, Decay, VCO and Mix to craft your sound. With features including VCA-like trigger inputs and trimmer-adjustable attack, this module allows for precise creative controls of your synth parameters.

Featuring 1 volt per octave CV and gate outputs, you can combine this module with a wide variety of modular gear – or use a MIDI to CV converter to connect it to your other hardware. The joy of modular synthesisers comes from the vast array of setups you can create – use this module to experiment and expand upon your synth repertoire!

Designed and produced by Synthrotek, an independent electronics manufacturer based out of the United States, this device has gone through a lot of testing and refinement. Joining Tindie in mid-2021, Synthrotek are making a name for themselves in the DIY modular community – and are a great maker to support!


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