DIY Ensoniq ESQ-1/SQ-80 EEPROM Cartridge!

Both the Ensoniq ESQ-1 and it’s big sister the SQ-80 are iconic digital synths of the 1980s – heralded for their rare digital warmth and vast selection of out-of-reach, ethereal pads! If you’re an owner of one of these beauties, you’ll be pleased to know that the OSH/DIY Ensoniq ESQ-1/SQ-80 EEPROM Cartridge is now available, giving you the chance to store and recall 2 banks of 40 presets on the synths!

The original synth stores it’s sounds on board the unit itself, but the option to store your own (or those found on the interwebs) gives you the chance to expand its capabilities. Getting your hands on storage cartridges in 2022 is not impossible, but it does mean you’ll have to shell out a fair percentage of the full price of the original keyboard – making these custom cartridges an affordable and accessible option.

The cart is able to both read and write patches, with all the instructions embedded on the PCB, just where you need it! You’ll find loads of free patches to use the cart with online, there is a collection of over 3,000 to download if you look on Gearspace!

The seller OSHPArk have also shared their design files and have stated that the schematics, and a swanky 3D printed case will be shared in the near future. It’s the first item in their Tindie store, and we look forward to seeing more synth accessories soon!


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