A Classic Curtis VCO For Eurorack!

In the world of modular synths a VCO is almost certainly going to be the heart of the operation – a Voltage Controlled Oscillator to emit the synth tones you start off with, before hooking up other elements to process it. This new Cosmic Instruments 3340 VCO comes fully assembled and is based on the famous Curtis CEM3340 or AS3340 chip from some seriously classic synths! Let’s find out more…

The Curtis chips are famed for their inclusion in such seminal synths as Roland’s SH-101 and MC-202, the Moog MemoryMoog, Sequential’s Prophet 5 and Pro-One, Oberheim’s OB-8, OB-Xa and OB-SX and many more! This is a 10HP VCO for Eurorack which will deliver the same square, triangle, and sawtooth waves, controlled by incoming CV signals or by volts per octave for precisely tuned output. In addition to the waveform you can choose between hard and soft sync, as well as PWM – aka Pulse Width Modulation, for some seriously evolving tones.

Each of the designs from Cosmic Instruments has been made from the ground up, and hand soldered before being converted into eurorack format. They’re based in the Netherlands – check out their store for more modular goodies.

source https://blog.tindie.com/2021/12/a-classic-curtis-vco-for-eurorack/

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