Send Audio Signals Over Bluetooth!


We take a lot of things for granted nowadays; super fast internet, online shopping and wireless technology – though it wasn’t always this way. There was a time we had to connect our music systems with only wires, but thankfully the BlueTooth Audio Receiver is here to bring any speaker system or hifi unit into the modern, wireless world.

The unit can be hooked up to your computer, smart phone or any device with sound/music to broadcast over the bluetooth airwaves – ideal for transmitting your favourite podcast or album to your preferred playback method. Let’s look at the tech specs: it’s compatible with all devices supporting A2DP Bluetooth standard, has 102dB of signal to noise ratio, it’s 16-Bit and will transmit audio up to a sample rate of 48kHz. You’ll also notice some LEDs that show audio activity when it’s playing.




The unit comes with push buttons to navigate your tracks, with a mini USB connection for your device and compatibility across different devices such as Windows PC, iPhone, Android and more. What else do you need to get blasting out your favourite music across your home or office?! The Bluetooth Audio Receiver is sold by Diagonal Systems who are a family run business based in London, England.


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