DIY Step Sequencing With The BabyGate10!

Sequencing is the best way of make the most of your synthesizers, bringing a cyclical groove to your jam and enabling syncronisation to external gear, such as drum machines for arrangement and playback of full tracks. The BabyGate10 is such as sequencer, with 10 steps of outputted notes designed to connect to and control the awesome Atari Punk Console.

This tabletop sequencer is powered by a 9V Battery and comes in kit form to make yourself – using the included sockets, switches, LEDs, capacitors and even a built in speaker. It has two switches on each step to skip the step and or reset the sequence from that step – meaning you can create sequences of 1-10 notes, for some serious polyrhythm play times.

The Atari Punk Console is a simple synth based on 555 Timers to generate tonal synthtetic sounds with minimal components, which outputs a square wave. You’ll find three models available on the Tindie site, just click here! If you like chiptune sounds, the Atari Punk Console is an ideal starter kit for those new to soldering and synths alike.

The BabyGate10 is sold by PCB Pins who are based in California, USA. Have a look at their twitter channel to see it in action!


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