Beautiful Fibonacci LED Display

We’ve all seen RGB LED strips, rings, and panels but aside from their straight lines and curves it’s rare to spot more adventurous layouts. This gorgeous RGB LED panel uses a Fibonacci distribution pattern to lay out it’s LED’s which is a novel and organic approach we love!

Creator Evil Genius Labs LLC has gone all out on this design using 512 RGB LEDs and the result is a breathtaking display that is a very well engineered display. Each RGB LED has its own decoupling capacitor built in and the PCB is split into 4 separate data line fed areas. This approach means you can use the FastLED library and, in particular, the parallel driving functions – giving you incredible framerates of up to 260fps. The FastLED library is compatible with a range of boards including Teensy, ESP32, ESP8266 and more.

Supplied fully-assembled and in a bespoke acrylic case, this is a reassuringly priced item. This is not Evil Genius Labs only option when it comes to beautiful RGB LED displays – we heartily recommend that you check out all of their products. If it’s Fibonacci you need, you may be interested in the smaller versions of this display such as the Fibonacci 128 or the Fibonacci 64.

Check out this video of the Fibonacci 512 in all it’s glory!


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