The Nespresso Shield logs your coffee consumption using a MKR Zero | Arduino Blog

How much coffee do you consume in a day? No idea? Then the Nespresso Shield by Steadman Thompson may be just what you need!

The device employs an Arduino MKR Zero, and a microphone unit to sense when a Nespresso machine gets louder than a certain threshold. When this level is met, it knows that a drink is being prepared and records this on the board’s built-in SD card reader. Info is coordinated with RTC values, allowing the card to be pulled in order to produce nice graphs in Excel or LibreCalc.

It also keeps track of water levels, based on how many cups have been poured, with a reset button and LED as the user interface. The unit simply sits on top of the machine, so there’s no modification needed whatsoever. 

The post The Nespresso Shield logs your coffee consumption using a MKR Zero appeared first on Arduino Blog.

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