Raspberry Pi Pico Adapter Board Turns it Into a Pi Zero Footprint

Unless you have been hiding under a rock you will have noticed that Raspberry Pi released their first microcontroller board “Pico” recently. This clever Pico 2 Pi Adapter Board makes the Pico adhere to the Raspberry Pi Zero footprint allowing it to be used with all manner of HATS and pHATS.

The Pico can be mounted either flush to the adapter board using the castellated solder points on the Pico, or you can add optional pin headers to allow the Pico to be removed. The adapter has an onboard LED as a power indicator and it also features a side mounted reset button which remains accessible even when the adapter is plugged into a Pi Zero Hat. Likewise the Pico’s Boot Select button has been broken out so you could attach a switch or right angle headers to allow you to go into boot mode without disassembling a stack of boards in a project.

We imagine this will be the first of many Raspberry Pi Pico accessories we’ll see on Tindie, we look forward to writing about more!

source https://blog.tindie.com/2021/03/raspberry-pi-pico-adapter-board-turns-it-into-a-pi-zero-footprint/

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