Vintage Synthesis With Non Contact Controls!

The beauty of the modern world is seeing vintage devices reinvented and reimagined in new and innovative ways! The Lumanoise V4 Trautonium is a synthesizer which is based on an electronic instrument design from almost 100 years ago, which can be pitch controlled using LDRs (Light Dependent Resistors) for some contactless light-waving expressions!

The Lumanoise V4 Trautonium is based on the Oskar Sala Trautonium, which used a resistor wire over a metal plate to generate sound. This modern version features 4 oscillators – each with it’s own volume pot and the ability to either hook them up to the LDR or control pitch from a potentiometer – labelled XXX. The range of pitch change can be altered to low, medium and high depending on how extreme you want the pitch to change!

On top of the other features, there’s a low pass filter built in with controls for cutoff frequency and resonance – as well as an external input for another LDR. This amazing device comes from the makers of LEPLOOP so you know you’re in for an audio treat!

The Lumanoise V4 Trautonium is one of two gorgeous products made by Lumanoise who are based in Milan, Italy. More information can be found at the leploop website and there’s a friendly introduction to the synth here:


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