Two Dice in a Kit

This electronic dice kit is a great self assembly kit for beginners that creates two six-sided dice. Useful for gaming, the kit also explores some more intermediate electronics principles and could be a great project for those new to soldering or in education settings.

All the components are through-hole making this a pretty easy project to assemble. The heart of this circuit is the pre-programmed Attiny12 microprocessor but interestingly this microprocessor doesn’t have enough IO pins to connect to each of the 14 LED’s individually. To solve this, this circuit uses a technique called charlieplexing where only one LED is lit at a time but the scan rate is so fast it appears to the human eye that multiple LED’s are lit. It’s a fascinating and useful concept to see in action and learn about.

In game play the electronic dice is simply to use, press the roll button and the LED’s will flash the result for a few seconds before the unit powers down, waiting for the next roll. Finally if you wanted to make this feel like a more robust and finished project the creator has provided a link to a nicely designed case that can be 3D printed.


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