Uncover Sounds of Magnetic Fields!

Seeking out sound sources is an eternal quest for the intrepid music makers, discovering and capturing the sounds of scrap metal, household items, and anything you can hit with a stick! The Electromagnetic Wavesniffer is a journey into finding sounds beyond normal human perception, picking up electromagnetic fields from objects and allowing you to listen to a new world!

The Electromagnetic Wavesniffer comes fully constructed or as a DIY kit which comes with all the components and instructions you need to make your own device! It comes with a headphone socket, volume control, on/off switch and two electromagnetic sensors. It can be powered by a 9V battery (not included) which means it’s highly portable and easy to put in a backpack with some headphones.

Discover more about electromagnetic waves in this talk by Sir Lawrence Bragg, with a distinctly old school vibe. There are also some excellent recordings on this site, which include sounds recorded by simonsound in Shenzen markets. You’ll find numerous devices around your house which make interesting noises, many of which are shown in this video by Tannertech.

The Electromagnetic Wavesniffer is sold by Spad Electronics who sell a range of electronic devices and are based in Italy.

source https://blog.tindie.com/2021/01/uncover-sounds-of-magnetic-fields/

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