Outtakes 2020

We all can agree that 2020 was a year like none other. However one thing that remained consistent was our creative technologists' inability to do a video all in one take. It’s a lot harder than it looks to present products and projects to a camera for the world to see every week! But we have a ton of fun doing just that here at SparkFun, and what comes with that are bloopers.

Some of you have commented that you watch our videos sometimes just for the outtakes, and that’s awesome. One of my favorite parts of filming with Rob, Avra and honestly anyone who is brave enough to stand in front of the camera, is laughing along with them, especially when they’re just about to nail it and it all falls apart. I then edit the footage together just to relive it again, making me look like that crazy person laughing out loud at their computer screen with noise canceling headphones as those around me are annoyed by my glee and their FOMO.

Rob and Avra’s jobs consist of learning new things very quickly, and one of those new things was videography. With the shutdowns, they had to take a to-go studio with them into quarantine and then send me the footage to edit it on time for go-live. It was a struggle, but they did an amazing job, still providing content when we so desperately wanted more once we finished binge-watching Tiger King. Can you believe that was almost a year ago?!

Anyways, enjoy this little compilation of some of my favorite outtakes over 2020 for your amusement. A healthy reminder to not take life too seriously, and enjoy a laugh now and again on us.

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