Dedicated Arduino Audio Development Board!

There are so many synths, sequencers, and drum machines available for software development boards like the Arduino. The Synthiboard is a platform to house the Arduno Pro Mini and act as a more convenient breadboard with spaces for switches, potentiometers, audio jacks, modifications and more! Time to fire up your Arduino and all those ino files waiting to be realized!

The Synthiboard has space for 6 push buttons, 5 potentiometers, and 3 audio jacks – as well as a power socket which will take 12V (the unit will also take USB power). If you want to try out an Arduino sketch which requires hardware inputs and outputs, this board is the ideal solution, saving you wiring out to a breadboard. However, make sure your potentiometers are wired in reverse, as the board does have them wired the wrong way round.

It has space for a sync output, which means the board can be synced to Pocket Operators, Korg Volcas, and other music making devices. The Synthiboard has a wiki which gives you all the tech specs and has been tested on the likes of the DIY Polyphonic Drum Machine by Sebastian Tomczak.

The Synthiboard is sold by MakerVan Labs who have a number of little protoyping boards to spark your next audio project!




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