Programming Multiple ATtiny85/13A

The venerable ATtiny85 or 13A are fantastic little chips. They are especially useful for migrating Arduino projects that only require a few pins to a cheaper and smaller form factor. If you are making multiples of such a project then this ATtiny programmer could be very useful.

Using the Arduino IDE and an Arduino Nano, this programmer from ArnovSharmaMakes can be loaded with up to six ATtiny MCU’s which can then be flashed. The six DIP 8 sockets are set up in parallel with the SPI bus on the Nano and, once filled, you can burn a bootloader and flash code to them using the Arduino as ISP. Of course, you don’t have to have all 6 slots filled, you can use this for any number up to six!

Check out the video after the break in which the creator not only walks through the programmer but also covers how to set up an Arduino as ISP programmer and how to upload a boatloader and a sketch to an ATtiny.


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