MIDI Trigger Your Pocket Operator For KO Chaos!

Pocket Operators are genuinely the most fun and accessible music gadgets you’ll find on planet earth, particularly the PO KO with its built-in microphone and sampler. The Pocket Operator MIDI Adapter seeks to extend that joy to the serious business of music production, putting the full range of front panel features at your control via glorious MIDI messages!

This new version of the adapter goes beyond its original sibling with an updated Teensy 4.1 processor at it’s heart, as well as a full sized MIDI-in socket and numerous tweaks. The Pocket Operator MIDI Adapter uses pogo pins to make contact with the exposed button pads to simulate button presses so that no permanent changes are made to the oerator. All 23 buttons on the PO can be triggered by MIDI notes – which can be sent via the MIDI ports or over MicroUSB. It will also convert MIDI clock-in to PO clock for synchronisation with other gear.

Unlike other mods for the Pocket Operators, this one requires no soldering! You can buy it as a partially assembled collection or fully assembled with (or without) a Teensy – will all the instructions you’ll need here. See a video of it in action below!

The Pocket Operator MIDI Adapter is made by Hanz Tech who are based in Canada

source https://blog.tindie.com/2020/12/midi-trigger-your-pocket-operator-for-ko-chaos/

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