Denford Micro Mill, GRBL Conversion Simplified

If you are looking to convert a Denford MicroMill to GRBL this upgraded control board makes it completely painless.

The Denford MicroMill is a neat, small CNC milling machine popular with schools and colleges. They often find their way into the second hand market and are a good choice as they are often complete with enclosures and all safety cutouts. One problem with them is that they use a proprietary control system and software but often hit the second hand market separated from their ageing PC controller.

Upgrading to opensource GRBL control is a common conversion which usually involves stripping everything out to get back to the bare stepper motor wiring. However using this board it’s a simple plug and play conversion as this control board from Damped fits directly to the proprietary Denford 96pin connector. This same connector and protocol was also used on the Denford CNC lathes and it’s therefore useful for converting those machines as well.

You can purchase the control board on it’s own or you can add the option to include a pre-programmed microcontroller. Also offered is an additional Bluetooth module which means a wireless CNC milling machine conversion couldn’t be simpler!


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